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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 13, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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know, eat in restaurants are bringing their prices down to match the fast food prices. so they're trying to draw in some of the people who are saying, okay, it costs too much to, well, right. go through the drive through, i might as well be sitting down somewhere. right? exactly. i remember back in college i could eat a lot, $5 here, $5 there. that worked out. you wonder what college students do now because, you know, go home. yeah noodles. noodles instead. get creative with ramen. anything in a cup? yeah okay. hey, a quick reminder for you. you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you'd like. we stream 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. you can watch live newscasts, breaking news updates, and much more. local content. we're always here for you. well, right now at six, the race to escape a new fighting as it erupts across gaza. israel urgently warning palestinians to leave rafah while a new report raises questions about israel's military operation. we're following those new developments overnight as protests began to disrupt graduations right here
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in the u.s. a new era begins in oakland with the arrival of a new police chief. we're live this morning breaking down his plan to keep oakland safe. plus, the guys are outside. didn't even see what was happening. they just reacted based off of their instinct and what they heard and just immediately jumped into action. bystanders stopping a would be thief. that video showing the quick response at a san francisco cafe, restoring some people's faith in humanity. this is today in the bay area. that's what i'm talking about. stop them in their tracks. all right. well, good morning to you. thanks so much for making us a part of your morning. i'm marcus washington, and i'm laura garcia. happy that you're with us on this monday post mother's day. should be mother's week, right? this is true. i'm gonna give it to you. mother's it should be a week. well, the weather at least will cooperate. it was gorgeous this weekend. yes. and it's so nice to have both of you all back. you know, having the whole team together. and so we're going to keep the weather nice this week. and we are starting out with some clouds. now these early clouds
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that we get along with the fog keep the temperatures warming up too quickly. so as it gradually clears today, we'll go from low 50s to some upper 60s and low 70s for a lot of spots like mountain view, that as we see the sun shine, we go from 56 at 8:00 to 72 at 4:00. it will be in the upper 70s for the south bay, 80 in concord, and napa today, 75 degrees. we'll talk about the rest of the week. coming up, mike, you're tracking a crash this morning. carrie, this just popped up right here. north 85 at the 87 split, i believe, just as i left the traffic center, the update from chp was that that the called off any units from heading there. so we'll track that. but we do know we have your typical slowing north 101. that should start to clear up in the next few, ready for the next big morning commute, about half an hour from now. a smooth drive, no surprises for the east bay and the metering lights are on, of course, the bay bridge. back to you. all right. thanks, mike. well, developing now, the israeli military intensifying its attacks on northern gaza. this is new video. this is of the huge explosion that occurred
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in gaza over the weekend. so the death toll has now reached at least 35,000 palestinians. this is all according to gaza's health ministry. israeli said think tanks into the northern gaza strip. this is on sunday after the night of heavy arsenal and ground bombardment. now that area, the biggest of gaza's eight historic refugee camps and home to more than 100,000 people. now all of this just days after the us report concluded it's likely israel violated national law. this is in gaza, us lawmakers there, they're defending the attacks as well as the attacks on that report. now, today in the bay's brie jackson joining us live from washington this morning. and brie, what do we know about this report? good morning marcus. so the report to congress said it was reasonable to assess that israel has violated international law in gaza using weapons provided by the u.s. however, that same report also noted that israel has not violated terms of u.s.
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weapons agreements as. israel issuing new evacuation orders over the weekend for parts of rafah, even after a new report, is further raising concerns about its military operations and civilian deaths. it's reasonable to conclude that there are instances where israel has acted in ways that are not consistent with international humanitarian law, but the state department says it has not verified specific instances that would justify withholding military aid to israel. that's something some lawmakers urge the white house to do. i think any objective observer knows, israel has broken international law. it has broken american law. and in my view, israel should not be receiving another nickel in u.s. military aid. other members of congress are pushing back. americans should be all in and helping israel against an
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existential threat. the one thing israel and america has in common hamas would attack us if they could. secretary of state blinken declined to identify the administration's red line with israel, but did double down on its stance on rafah and the more than 1 million people sheltering there. absent a credible plan to get them out of harm's way and to support them. president's been clear for some time that we couldn't and would not support a major military operation in rafah as cease fire talks continue. so do nationwide protests on college campuses. duke university students walking out on their commencement speaker. comedian jerry seinfeld, a vocal supporter of israel and the report to congress, did not find that the israeli government is blocking the transport or delivery of humanitarian aid. marcus that we will continue to follow. all right. brie jackson in washington this morning. brie. thank you. now, closer to home, thousands made their voices
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heard at dueling rallies at stanford university's campus. now both expressing different perspectives when it comes to the war in the middle east. stanford's jewish group held an interfaith rally. this is just steps away from the pro-palestinian encampment on white plaza. more than an hour into that event, the group says that they were actually forced to abruptly relocate after campus security pressured them to do so due to unexplained safety concerns. pro-palestinian protesters held their own rally on sunday. this is due to the group's own safety concerns. tensions were high throughout the dueling rallies. ultimately, things remained peaceful and friends. 605 right now and new this morning, some fear whenever the next pandemic hits, it may be worse than covid, leaving california and the u.s. poorly prepared on organized and underfunded, especially if lawmakers follow through on planned budget cuts. today in the bay's bob redell joins us live outside lawrence livermore lab this morning. and bob, there's a growing call to action here. correct. and part of this
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criticism, laura, is coming from the bipartisan commission on biodefense, which just released a list of recommendations on what the country to do should do right away, not only to prepare for the next pandemic, but for a possible bioterror attack. one of the suggestions is replace bio watch. that's the national biological detection system that was created after the anthrax attacks back in 2001, using aerosol detection technology developed here at the livermore lab behind me. the commission says the bio watch technology is ineffectual and the program itself a waste of money. the commission's national blueprint for biodefense found that there are over 25 federal entities that are only partially engaged, with little coordination, to provide some sort of response to another pandemic or biological attack. the report lists 36 recommendations and 185 action items to better prepare our country. suggestions include making the president's national
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security adviser the official leader of national biodefense. we learned during covid that the country better needs to stop the transmission of pathogens inside buildings and other indoor spaces. the report is asking for improvement there, and they also want the country to stop the, quote, panic and neglect cycle of funding in which the country panics, provides emergency funding, then doesn't continue funding after the crisis has passed, we're going to have another biological incident of some kind, either natural or man made, and we're not ready. and that's pretty scary, you know, we told the public when we put our first report out in 2015 and we told the congress and we told the public it's not a question of if there's going to be a pandemic. it's just a question of when we're not ready. and now you would think after losing a million people plus that we would be would have learned a lot of lessons and we've learned some. but there are more lessons
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that have to be learned and more work that has to be done. as i mentioned, the commission has released a number of recommendations and action items that you can read about in their full report online at the biodefense commission .org website. later this morning, county public health directors and front line workers, they're going to hold a news conference to call on the state legislature to reject governor newsom's proposed $300 million in cuts to public health, which they argue would turn the clock back on california's ability to fight disease and would repeat the same mistakes that killed people during covid. governor newsom says the state has a budget shortfall and that, according to the sacramento bee, quote, we have to be sober about the reality of what our priorities are reporting live here in livermore, bob redell, today in the bay. and having lived through this pandemic, we all know we've got to plan ahead. thank you bob. well, workers are crediting quick thinking bystanders for stopping a would be laptop thief in san francisco. this happened
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saturday at a popular middle eastern cafe. this is near the museum of modern art. well, that video shows that man first walking by, then targeting a woman inside the cafe. a woman worker who asked us not to show her face, says that that woman screamed loudly and when that man took off, other customers tackled him outside, holding him down into police arrived one man right in the middle of it all describes the chaotic moments. i just, you know, told people to pick, you know, someone on one leg, someone on another leg, and it holds his arms as well, just so he could would stop trying to fight and hit me. and we can control him until the cops got here and just act on her behalf and, you know, stand up for her, it's very reassuring people acting on it and a lot of people acting on it. i think it says a lot about this community now, san francisco police so far not commenting, but they do plan to give an update on that investigation later today. 610 right now, today marks day one officially for oakland's new police chief, who takes over a
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department which hasn't had a leader a permanent one at least in a year. yeah. kris sanchez joining us this morning. and chris, he's actually already started. he started actually on saturday. he did start you know we start behind the scenes sometimes when we take on a new job. but today is the first official day on the clock for police chief floyd mitchell, who will begin by making a public statement at 1030 this morning. chief floyd mitchell has been working behind the scenes, with the interim chief getting familiar with the structure of the oakland police department, how the department works and the city of oakland, now opd is pretty different from the last department that chief mitchell led. he comes from the lubbock police department, where he resigned in september of last year. a little compare and contrast here. oakland has 723 sworn officers. the lubbock force is almost 300 officers smaller now as far as crime goes . just one example 20, 23, 118 people were murdered in oakland in lubbock, the police department had to investigate
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just 16 murders. however, both departments have had one thing in common, which is they both recently had big trouble with their 911 systems. now, mayor tau introduced chief mitchell in late march and as i mentioned, he was last the lubbock police chief. he also spent 25 years with the kansas city police and is a veteran of the us air force, chief mitchell becomes the permanent chief 15 months after mayor shengtao fired former chief lauren armstrong. before that, the opd had 12 chiefs and 20 years and still operates under a federal monitor. because of the writers scandal, which happened more than two decades ago. chief mitchell says that his first focus in the first 100 days is going to be getting to know his department, getting to know the city leadership as well, trying to manage that oversight situation, try to get the opd out from under that federal oversight and also attacking violent crime, which is marcus, as a major problem. yeah. well, as a resident of oakland, you
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know, is a concern. yeah, absolutely. and i think we should give him time to, to make some changes. but they need to come fast, though i think that a lot of people would agree with you for sure. very much so. all right. thanks, chris. thank you. chris. hey it is monday morning taking a live look outside overlooking san jose. coming off a fantastic weekend, carrie. we've got more of the same. we do. it's going to be a little bit cooler. you can see those clouds and that live view in san jose. and so those clouds will keep the temperatures from heating up very quickly throughout the morning. so a slow warm up is the way we like it because it's going to be a really comfortable day. in fact, as we take a look at our day planner in berkeley, we're going from cloudy and 50s to some upper 50s and low 60s for today. around the bay, we'll see low 70s for foster city, upper 70s for martinez and san jose. we'll see temperatures in the upper 70s as well, and we'll talk about the rest of the week coming up in a few minutes. mike has been trying to find us some lower gas prices. yeah. and, you
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know, there's a lot of companies because suddenly prices have continued to lower. so we're no longer on the top ten in the bay area. livermore, though, still has their best deal of 435 at dimond gas and mart on south front road. santa clara holds the next spot here at 461 at platinum gas on washington street. and we'll check san francisco where there's one spot under five bucks for 99 at the 76 on valencia street. and all these prices and more reported by you and for you on on the roadways, we have a pretty smooth drive, although we did see an early start to the slowing at the bay bridge. it's still there, of course, no problems out of the altamont vasco road coming down, still under a half hour, barely from marsh creek down to 580. and there's the slowdown. we see typical distribution around the bay highway for highway 37 and the bay bridge back to you. all right. thanks, mike. 614 right now, first of its kind, experiment set to help our environment is halted ahead on today in the bay. the reason an east bay city is putting a shop a stop rather to the controversial project aimed at
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cooling our warming planet. in business news, a new study says if you force people back to the office, you're just forcing them to quit their jobs. let's go out to the futures this morning, see what's ahead. we had a great week. best week of the year last week, and it looks like it's going to be a nice start to monday. and those northern lights in the bay area you know earth hit with powerful space storm over the weekend. we're going to show you the spectacular show in the sky. keep it right here. you're
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars,
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northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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data on inflation. a very small company with a very small stock price called polar power will get some chips, money today. a santa clara company, a power company called oklo went public friday through a spac. that stock fell really hard. spacs have fallen out of fashion. the bay area's chargepoint went public this same way back in 2021. that stock has lost most of its value. spac is special purpose acquisition company, basically a publicly traded shell company that buys a privately held company. like i said, these are falling out of favor. oklo is accompanied by the way created by sam altman, who also did openai. it's got new updates to talk about today, though, sam tweeted. it's not a new search engine like we all
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thought. our ginger conejero saab will tell us more about that coming up. other news a new study out of the university of michigan shows companies that insisted their employees return to the office saw a lot of those workers quit, the study examined among others, microsoft, apple, spacex, which had very similar return to work mandates. microsoft saw 5% of its employees quit over the mandate. apple 4. spacex, which said work had to be fully in-person, no days at home, lost 15, and we expect apple to announce new improvements to siri when it meets with developers early next month. with all the talk of open ai and all the cool things it does here, he's looking kind of primitive. updates should allow you to have a more natural conversation for with her in other words, if you ask her what the weather is going to be like today and she finishes and you say and tomorrow, she has no idea what you're talking about, right? currently, right. have it more, more logical. yes. right
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thanks, scott. you bet. well, alameda county leaders, they are halting a controversial project. this is aimed at halting climate change. as we first told you last month, university of washington scientists, they have designed a marine cloud brightening project for the deck of the uss hornet. now they're hoping to see if spraying salt water into the air can brighten clouds and reflect more sunlight back into space as a way of combating global warming. but city leaders, they are putting a hold on that project over concerns about potential environmental effects. they first want to get more information from experts before allowing that experiment to continue. well, you know, stargazers, they received a rare sight over the weekend from placerville to danville, even morgan hill. the colors of the northern lights, filled the night sky friday for the first time in 20 years. they made another appearance saturday night, but a little less vibrant. an astronomer we spoke with says the lights are seen when ionized material enters the atmosphere at the poles and
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interacts with oxygen. the atmosphere shift disrupts the earth's magnetic field, which can cause problems with things like radio communications and gps. elon musk's starlink warned of degraded service due to the geomagnetic storm. you know they actually saw some of that in memphis this weekend, too. so yeah, yeah, as far south as florida, too, it kind of just went up and around a lot of california. so it was really cool to see how far south it went and the fact that it was the highest that could measure in the category of the strength of a geomagnetic storm. it's really interesting to see, to see a lot of people friends posting. i try and i tried to do the night vision and the long exposure and all that stuff, and it just didn't didn't. yeah, i guess it depended on where you were. yeah. and i was over lake tahoe too, and i just still couldn't see that. that's right. you had a mother's day fun up there. yeah. no, she went there for the science. yes i did, i was doing research. that's it. writing off that trip. yeah so it was a beautiful weekend and
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we had such nice weather here. it was a little warm though in some areas. so as we get a look at what we're going to see today, more sunshine and our temperatures in livermore going from mid 50s to mid to upper 70s for the afternoon we're back to the sun and also some slightly closer to normal temperatures. we're still a little warmer than what we typically see for the middle of may, but we're going to have a high of 75 in dublin and fremont, and 77 in martinez will see a high of 77 in santa rosa and san francisco. 64 taking a look at that 7-day forecast up at the bottom of the screen, it will warm up a few degrees each day until we reach the peak on thursday. so tomorrow in hayward, expect a high of 75, and in san francisco will be in the mid 60s and then seeing it in the upper 60s on wednesday, while some of our valleys will be in the mid 80s, but mostly low to upper 70s, low 80s for our high temperatures. so our high pressure is building, it's getting a little bit closer to us as the jet
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stream moves farther north, but as it starts to make a dip just a little bit closer to the bay area, it will also allow for a little bit of rain over the sierra, as well as slightly cooler temperatures for the bay area, but that's not until sunday into early next week. so some of our warmer spots like brentwood, will see those temperatures rising. it will be in the upper 80s midweek, while a lot of our inland areas will see temperatures coming up about five six, seven degrees throughout the week. and then for the weekend, coming back down to about 80 degrees. and mike, you have now a major crash in the north bay. so i'm calling this out loudly for the north bay. it's not a freeway, but it is a major road for that area. here up in santa rosa, i believe. you see great mark there. a major crash, perhaps a deadly crash. this is on guerneville road, right at laguna, or very close to that intersection. so watch that for surface street traffic. the freeways there. 116 highway 12 there all moving smoothly. 101 so is the rest of the bay. pretty predictable backups. back to you. thanks, mike. 623 for
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you this morning, a local filmmaker makes a difference, spotlighting the conditions that made her so different. i was the only person in my class and in college who had a stutter that i knew of. so i grew up my whole life thinking it was just me feeling so ashamed, feeling i was different. next, gerald. today in the bay, using her own voice to destigmatize stutt
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very isolating. but one san francisco filmmaker wants to shine the light on the disorder. stuttering awareness week and beyond. 3 million americans stutter as many as 10% of children will most likely outgrow it, but about 25% of children will continue stuttering into adulthood. president biden has been open about his own stuttering, particularly when he's tired. and you might recall, former president donald trump mocked him for it. that hit a san francisco filmmaker hard. that clip can be really traumatizing like that. watching that, i felt super emotional and i felt like i was right back in middle school being made fun of and being laughed at in front of the whole class. in the film, rock
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of hope, she uses her personal experience to chronicle one man's struggle with stuttering from childhood through incarceration to using it to empower fellow stutterers. she's hoping to crowdfund $24,000 to finish the film. you can find a link to donate at proud stutter org slash. donate. she also spearheaded the effort to get the san francisco board of supervisors to declare stuttering awareness week like that. well, look, we've got a lot more for you coming up at 630, including the first major step towards rebuilding. up next, the reason the demolition of baltimore's francis scott key bridge has now been delayed. and just how s
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice.
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woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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to take the stand and trump's criminal hush money trial. our scott mcgrew is going to break down the possible make or break moment in the courtroom, closing the door on i. a new push in san francisco to slow down the explosion of artificial intelligence. the action being taken by opponents ahead of a major announcement from one of the biggest players in the game. this is today in the bay good monday morning to you. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia and i'm marcus washington. let's get a look at that forecast for you today. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking what we can expect. and visibility is an issue across. yes, it is now that we have the low clouds and also some fog
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around parts of the bay area, we've really seen some dense fog developing in the south county. and not only will that help keep the visibility low, but it will also keep our temperatures lower as we go throughout the day. so once that clears out, we'll eventually see a sunny sky and it will be only in the low 70s for the south county. and we'll see some low 80s for san martin. and in morgan hill, 78 degrees in livermore and 71 in hayward. some spots definitely cooler. we'll see that in half moon bay, a high of 62 for later this afternoon. so mike you're seeing that that may also affect some of the commute. maybe i mean right now it's here at the bay bridge. it's affecting our view of the commute from emeryville. you see some low clouds. the visibility on the span. it's just fine as far as the driver's experience, and we don't see any exceptional slowing in these portions look standard map actually not so bad considering the slow start we had or the early slowing we did. i do want to take you to the area carrie mentioned the south county. we do have some denser fog that's
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registering on our road weather index right now. it's okay for drivers. 152 101 in through gilroy and hollister and the slowing we typically see through san martin, which is just the morning commute back to you. thanks, mike. today is a big day in donald trump's first criminal trial. his former lawyer is expected to testify against him. and we're talking about michael cohen here. and scott, you look he was the first to actually spill the secrets with those secret payments to stormy daniels. exactly right. we first learned it from him through the mueller report center. cohen, rather, was really at the center of all of this. he's the one who took home a home equity loan to get the cash to buy stormy daniels silence. the trump organization then paid cohen back about double and called it legal fees. cohen has been a thorn in trump's side for years now, going from fixer to someone who told many of trump's secrets. he told congress that trump faked the value of his new york properties in order to get bigger loans, or to avoid paying
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higher taxes. he's also been goading trump, baiting him online. michael cohen here with another michael cohen, reacts. well, it's been a while because, you know, for a week i've been suspended on tiktok, but i'm back and i will be on for my 10:00 pm show tonight and every night until, of course, tiktok suspends me again. that's cohen on tiktok, cohen has called trump a potty humor name on social media. trump has been punching back, even though trump is barred by a gag order from talking about potential witnesses. even the judge in the case who issued the gag order has had enough of cohen asking prosecutors please convince their witness to refrain from commenting. cohen is certainly one of the bigger witnesses in this first criminal trial, stormy daniels was the other, but we don't expect anything all that new prosecutors have already really spelled out this alleged crime. and laura cohen, we expect, will just confirm it. yeah, it'll be interesting to
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watch. thank you. scott, will the man who brutally attacked nancy pelosi's husband is scheduled to be sentenced this friday. the chronicle recently reported. prosecutors are asking for a 40 year sentence for david depape, claiming he shows no remorse. a state trial for depape is still on the docket, and it may start as soon as this month. well, today, a global call to pause artificial intelligence protest around the world, including one right here in the bay area, are planned just as open ai is set to make major announcements today in the bay's ginger conejero saab live for us in san francisco this morning. and ginger, help us out here. walk us through what's expected to happen today. good morning marcus. well, quite a bit of things are happening this morning and later today, starting off with some big announcements from open ai. they are expected to announce some updates to chatgpt and gpt four. that's via live stream at ten this morning. now, last week there was speculation that the company would announce the
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artificial intelligence powered search product that's been anticipated from them. but a social media post has debunked that openai says today's announcement will demo some chatgpt and those chatgpt for updates. the company's ceo also posting specifically saying that it is not gpt five and it is not a search engine, but new stuff he thinks people will love. not everyone is thrilled about artificial intelligence and progress in that field. global protests are scheduled in a number of major cities worldwide like new york, london, berlin, paris and right here in san francisco. protesters are demanding action ahead of an artificial intelligence summit in korea that's happening later this month. it's the second ever ai summit that's following the first one last year in the uk, the group leading today's demonstrations. it's called pause ai. they say they want an international treaty on artificial intelligence, and they also want to bring attention to leaders both
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attending the summit and those who are not safety. they say, is their utmost concern. and they want to highlight specific safety at this year's may 20th summit. now also coinciding with those planned protests in the city, san francisco supervisor dean preston is taking up ai at city hall. he'll lead a hearing about rising ai generated disinformation nationally. what that means ahead of the local election here in san francisco will also be discussed. that hearing takes place at 1030, around the same time that those protests or the demonstration is happening outside open ai headquarters on the other side of the city. so a lot to watch out for. marcus. all right. ginger conejero saab in san francisco for us, ginger. thank you. 637 right now and happening today, demolition of the site of the baltimore bridge collapse is scheduled to begin. you can see it barely from a distance in this shot. the francis scott key bridge. the demolition was expected to begin yesterday. however, crews pushed the work
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back due to some rough weather conditions there. you'll recall six people died nearly two months ago when a container ship struck the bridge. the last of the victims bodies pulled from the water just last week. a month ago, the fbi ordered a criminal investigation to look into what happened. it is 637 this morning as we take a live look out in walnut creek. beautiful, clear start to the morning there. not so much in every part of the bay area. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking what we can expect weather wise today. and some of those areas we're seeing some dense fog. yeah, we've seen some low clouds, some fog. even if you go not so far from walnut creek into fremont, you're seeing those low clouds this morning. so we are seeing some visibility that may cause you to slow down a little bit throughout the morning. and in castro valley, we're in the low 50s as we go throughout the morning, a gradual warm up as the sky becomes mostly cloudy to mostly sunny, and our high temperature in that area will reach into the mid 70s. 79 in san jose and 81 in los gatos,
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while san mateo will see a high of 66 will be in the mid to upper 70s for much of the north bay into the day tomorrow. temperatures coming up a few degrees. and that's going to be the trend as we go through the week, our valleys are going to be heating up. we'll reach the peak of those temperatures on thursday, so we'll talk more about that. mike starts with what's in your rear view mirror. yeah. what's in the past right. like highway 37. in fact, eastbound 37 reopened about ten hours ahead of the scheduled reopening for this morning. so yesterday evening is when that took place. it probably going to happen again this weekend if everything goes as planned for east 37. bart. any delays and problems? they've all cleared up. there was a problem on friday and then there was a closure because of maintenance over the weekend. a smooth build in a pretty typical pattern for the east bay drivers. looking ahead, we do have the giants game tonight and for the next couple of nights, so note right around here, oracle park, the parking lot and also the 280 extension. you'll see more surface street traffic, more cars coming into the area. 645 game rest of the bay shows a pretty smooth drive. they are
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just about clear with this vehicle. westbound 80 or 84 around the toll plaza for the dumbarton bridge. no problems there and a little build starting for the south bay. pretty typical pattern there as well. back to you. thanks, mike. 639 right now new tariffs for china. up next on today in the bay. the reason some lawmakers think the country could be spying on the u.s. through its electric cars. plus countdown to kickoff. the nfl set to release its full schedule this week. this morning we have an exclusive look at the first game of the season, plus not your average birthday party. we introduce you to a south bay mom who went viral after mistaking, inviting everyone in her phone to her daughter's birthday party. you got to see this story. there's so much more to it. it's hila
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around the bay and a few of our high temperatures and what to expect. we're seeing some low clouds in spots, but it will be clearing in san jose. we're headed for the upper 70s. foster city, a touch cooler with a high of 70 and 77. in martinez. we'll get a look at the rest of our workweek coming up in a few minutes. these folks are working hard, heading toward the bridge toll plaza, richmond in towards san rafael west 580 sees the build at the toll plaza, but look at this lane shifting. folks are trying to get the best lane just to. you know what? let's just get along here so we don't have anything slowing down any of those lanes coming up. it
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is 643 right now. president biden is expected to announce massive new tariffs on electric cars made in china and scott mcgrew. those washington leaders are worried that the cars could spy on us the same way they think tiktok does. pretty much exactly the same way. you know what? the chinese worry the same about our cars. tesla drivers not allowed to drive their cars into chinese military compounds, for instance. but it's not just security. a tariff on chinese evs would also protect american car companies. it would be a massive terrorist tariff like 100. so this $30,000 car, you're seeing a byd would cost you $60,000. chinese evs already face a roughly 25% tariff. that's why you don't see many on the road. now a reminder about tariffs. when america puts a tariff on something, americans pay that tariff. former president trump says he wants to put a 60% tariff on everything made in china, which would mean
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most things at costco or walmart would see huge price increases. when he was president, trump told his followers the chinese pay american tariffs, but that's simply not how that works. americans pay american tariffs at a rally in new jersey over the weekend, trump spoke about his trial. al capone and hannibal lecter. they rigged the whole thing with the department of justice. and every time they i've been indicted more than the great alfonse capone, scarface, al capone was so mean that if you went to dinner with him, he didn't like you. you'd be dead the next morning. and i got indicted more than him. mr. trump spoke at great length about the fictional hannibal lecter, suggesting many of the migrants who enter america are coming from mental hospitals. the state department released a human rights report critical of israel late friday afternoon. the state department says it's deeply concerned about american weapons hurting and killing
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palestinian civilians, particularly children. now, the report stops just short of accusing israel of violating international human humanitarian law. really just short listen to our secretary of state walk up to that line calling israel not consistent with the law. but what the report concludes is that based on the totality of the harm that's been done to children, to women, to men who are caught in this crossfire, if hamas is making, it's reasonable to conclude that there are instances where israel has acted in ways that are not consistent with international humanitarian law. the menendez trial begins today. democratic senator bob menendez and his wife are accused of taking bribes from the egyptian government to push egypt's agenda in congress, the fbi found gold bars and money on top of a jacket with the senator's name on. it, and they found a google history that asked how much is a bar of gold worth? laura will have much more
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on the trump trial and his lawyer coming up in our midday news. sounds good. thank you. scott 646 right now, this morning, we continue to amplify the aa and nhpi community, and there's a new documentary that's looking to shine the light on japanese americans who are placed in internment camps by the us government. mike inouye is here with more for us this morning. mike good morning. yeah, we know the phrase a picture is worth a thousand words. this is definitely the case when it comes to this film about japanese americans during world war two. snapshots of confinement. this gives us a clearer image. they are not prisoners. they are not internees. they are merely dislocated people. well they were forbidden from leaving. they were also forbidden from bringing cameras into these internment camps. most of the pictures we've seen have been us government propaganda. but this documentary transforms how history is being understood. despite the ban, some were able to document everyday life behind the barbed wire. we were able to follow some survivors and their
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descendants through these snapshots. they now share south bay native diana tsuchida directed the film project after hearing stories from her dad, who was incarcerated as a child, along with 120,000 other japanese americans. the director shares these sometimes agonizing stories. she talks about her sister, her older sister being pregnant with twins in camp, and , unfortunately, she dies in childbirth because the doctor refuses to go and get a specialist. it was just an unnecessary loss that i believe was directly tied to the incarceration. now the documentary is on pbs. we'll have a link on our site as well. i wanted to show you too, though. i want to show everybody two of the very few photos that we have of my parents during their incarceration as well. these are our stories, a reason why now. i found out later as a
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more an older child. this is why we only have a few pictures of my parents from that time. these are all of our stories though. we have more stories that amplify the asian american, native hawaiian pacific islander stories online at nbc. bay and h p i. it is so important to have these stories told mike because you think about it just one generation apart. sometimes you think you know, oh, that was so long ago, but just one generation away. absolutely. yeah it's closer than we think, right? history is closer than we think that it is. all right. thanks for sharing mike. well new at six for you nfl announcing the matchup for its first game of the season opening night airing right here on nbc bay area. so we'll see baltimore and kansas city, a rematch of the afc championship game to start the season. kick off 2024 on nbc. as you see right there thursday, september 5th. what about those ravens? yeah, those mike tirico there with that exclusive reveal this morning on the today show. we also know that the eagles will play the packers the next night in brazil exclusively on peacock. the first sunday game
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is still a mystery, along with the rest of the nfl schedule. the full schedule will be released on wednesday. what about those ravens? you're such a baltimore boy. yeah, well, you know what? turning for you this morning. let's talk about some bay area first. great one. so it is a mom. she's behind a major evite mishap. she gets invited to the kelly clarkson show for that. it imported all 487 of my contacts and invited them to this birthday party. okay, so san jose's emily king accidentally invited hundreds to her child's first birthday. she lived to tell about it, explaining what happened on tiktok. the clip has now been viewed more than 15 million times. we recently talked to her, she says. she only meant to invite about 35 people to her daughter's first birthday. but there's a lot more here as well. a lot more really. here's a small part of what happened. and once that evite went out, so everyone got invited as they're
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sort of my phone with the emojis , i had derek with the eye roll emoji, who was invited. and, i had this girl, jess, who i hit her car in a parking lot one time. she said jess hit her car in parking lot. she was invited. oh my gosh. not to mention most of her ex-boyfriends and former coworkers as well. imagine what they were called in her phone. you can get the entire story, including her now expanded list of rsvp on the kelly clarkson show. it's today at nbc bay area at 3:00. and as i mentioned last hour, it really has you know, take a look at your phone. what do you list people under? yeah yeah. plan for this potential. yeah well, we'll start with the fog emoji and then we'll make it into the sunshine. i like it. you go throughout the day a lot of changes here. so we're seeing the clouds draped over san francisco. and that's going to linger for the next few hours. and also keep those temperatures down. we've had some really dense fog around the south
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county this morning, and it's been reducing the visibility there, but not so bad as you drive up the peninsula looking live at palo alto, where we are seeing our temperatures in the low 50s now, eventually it's going to clear out. but as it slowly clears today, that also keeps those temperatures from rising into the upper. 70s and even upper 80s, as we've seen over the past few days. so today we're going to see a high of 79 in san jose, 78 in livermore, and low 70s for hayward, oakland today in the upper 60s and 75 for napa. now going into tomorrow, it comes up a few degrees, let's say three four degrees for some of those areas where concord will hit a high of 81. in san mateo, we're only in the upper 60s there. so there will be a wide range in temperatures from the coast to the inland valleys. as we typically start to see as we get into late spring, early summer, high pressure as it builds will give us more of a northerly wind and the jet stream. the flow of those upper level winds going well up and around the bay area. but it does get a little bit
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closer by the end of the weekend into next week. that will help some storms develop over the sierra and also cool down our temperatures a few degrees. so it's still going to be hot in brentwood throughout much of the week with upper 80s there, and then the weekend we'll bring it to the lower 80s, so it's going to be a nice one once again. but we are going to see those temperatures peak for the middle of the week between wednesday and thursday. friday is still pretty warm with some low 80s, but then upper 70s by sunday. and san francisco's keeping it cool with some mid to upper 60s there. mike. now you have a crash at the dublin interchange. you do, in fact, in the area, two crashes, but south 680 looks like it's just cleared the crash just south of bernal. westbound 580 at the dublin interchange or just past hopyard. we hear two lanes may still be blocked by a crash there. so a couple of tow trucks are needed to complete the job. this is the build coming into the area. highway 84. cutting down this right here may get more traffic flow, but nothing dramatic just yet. again, it's west 580. that's the problem toward that dublin grade. the rest of the base is a
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pretty standard build. east bay and south bay starting to kick in. now back to you. thank you very much mike. happening now, a five year old child pulled from east bay waters over the weekend has died. it happened saturday afternoon on bethel island, the child reportedly falling into the water near the back of a home. rescue crews managed to pull them from the water about 15 minutes later. they performed cpr, rushing the five year old to the hospital. sadly, that child later died. they're still working to learn what led up to this tragic incident, and had a final look at the top stories here on today in the bay, including taking the stand. the questions michael cohen is set to face today, and the donald trump hush money trial and the key issues oakland's new police chief will face as he starts his first day on thjobe
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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with a look at the top stories on today in the bay, including former trump lawyer michael cohen taking the stand in trump's criminal hush money trial. so donald trump's former attorney there arriving this morning at the courthouse, that's where he's expected to lay out what prosecutors call secret payments made to the former president made by the former president. i should say, to actress stormy daniels. now, cohen has previously claimed that he took out a home equity loan to pay daniels to be silent, and the trump organization paid him back double. since then, cohen has revealed many trump secrets, including claims that he lied about the value of his new york real estate properties. today marks day one for oakland's new police chief, his first full day in the job. floyd mitchell plans to make it public statement at 1030 this morning. he's the former police chief of lubbock, texas, spending 25 years with
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the kansas city police as well. opd has not had a permanent head in 15 months. when mayor shang tao fired former chief lauren armstrong. oakland police operates under a federal monitor because of the writers scandal. you may recall more than two decades ago. well, today, a global call to pause artificial intelligence protests around the world are scheduled, including one here in san francisco. demonstrators are demanding action ahead of artificial intelligence summit in korea later this month. it comes as openai plans to announce its ai powered search product today. let's get another check of the forecast before we go. we're starting out with clouds in some spots, and it's going to become mostly sunny temperatures in the upper 70s and a gradual warm up as we go through the week for the inland areas. while san francisco will see temperatures in the low 60s. we'll reach the peak at 68 on thursday, and we'll end this hour with better news. we have all lanes cleared westbound 580. as you approach the dublin interchange, there should be some recovery, but
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that means more traffic heading south to 680. the south bay shows a build pretty typical pattern, but not as bad as we might see. all right, today's show is just ahead, but you can get more local news as we continue today in the bay on roku and other streaming platforms. live at 8:00. a day without child care. the rally is set to be held to call attention to a growing crisis and the demand is set to be made over the growing costs of child care. it is expensive. i mean, i don't have kids to know, but it is expensive. all right. thanks for joining us this morning. have a great one. you keep charging us well you can keep babies any you like. it good monday morning. new chaos on college campuses nationwide. >> protests now interrupting graduation ceremonies. good morning. it's may 13th. this is "today". ♪ walk-out.


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